Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall Getting Closer

I figured I'd get some pictures up before I forget about them. At least I can organize images from around the property better than I can with other stuff. I have them broken down month to month for the last four years with individual dates.

This has to be my favorite Coleus (reddish one). I picked up one small plant in mid April and must have forty of them around here now. I'll definitely keep them going as 18 (rooted) will be going to Florida. They looks stunning in partial shade..or at least I think so.

How about this guy? It's a Mexican something. I've had them for three years now. Thew first year was very disappointing. Last year they did quite well, but this year (annuals) this thing has climbed to ten feet after cutting them back twice. hasn't shown a flower yet. It is a late bloomer anyway, but it's almost fall.

Finally some Blue Morning Glories! Hopefully I'll have some returning next year in this location. I've seen a half dozen flowers so far this year.

Ivy is progressing all over the place. I can see it getting out of control if I ever left it alone for a year. Also shown in the back ground is one of my larger elephant ears.

I had oodles of Zinnia planted up along the driveway this year, cut them back twice, but they took on some kind of disease. This is all I have out of them so far.

Another Moon flower vine on the corner of the house. Lot's of Coleus where Impatiens always had a home in past years. Coleus don't replace them in my opinion but they do fill out nicely. Notice the small flower on the Clematis? I thought I killed that plant three months ago. Potato vines again. They're all over the place as well.

Angelonia doing well all over, but hard to see in this picture. Trailing Petunias petered out. Not as I hoped. But, they make into the cooler weather. Maybe they'll surprise me yet.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summer Is Almost Over

Went fast eh? I figured i'd get some late summer pics up before the autumn leave colors. Naturally I'm disappointed with the Imopatens loss and four or five Hosta; wondering if they come back next year. Chances are goo they caught the Gold standard disease being only 3-8 feet apart. Probably said that several time this summer?

A week ago I rounded up all the Coleus colors I have and rooted about 100 of them which will go to Florida and be ready for lottsa color at my mothers home. Seems she can't do much gardening anymore. How many colors? Ten that I counted.

I also have all sorts of Black Eyed Susan (BES) vine growing on the driveway. Some quite small...Florida bound as long as they don't get too large in the meantime. Seems they seed anytime much like Morning Glories. Not sure of the reason for the re-seeding but may be due to the warm winter last year.

The jungle near the porch steps. Moonies, BES, Coleus, potato vines, Cleome, etc.

Moonies up the railing. BES in baskets and climbing the porch column.

 More of the jungle going up the steps....

Down across the lawn. The Bacopia (small white flowers) really took off in this area. Almost died in two other locations. Those whatch combs....always have a hard time with that name were replacements for Impatiens. They never do well around here even in full sun. Oh, annual Vinca is the name.