Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't Worry. You Won't Kill It

That was the popular consensus when it came to trimming back this fine Clematis vine. Only time will tell. It looked great in late April....

But once I got the scissors to it...another story.

And about those Coleus. I may just get lucky and have them reach decent size when the first frost hits. Then it's over for the season. This is almost four weeks progress.

And another well thought out purchase online, but I probably won't be able to enjoy them until 2012 considering it's getting late for seeds(received last week). Bunches of Petunias that if I'm lucky once again may show good size in mid October.  Oh well, they make it well into the colder November weather in these parts. Going to have to start some of this stuff in Florida next January providing I get out of  Google's Panda Prison.

Shown here is the status of some trailing wave Petunia seeds started the last week of March. They took forever to get moving but just the past few days with very warm temps have they made some good progress.

Daylillies planted from root last year. Calla Lillie's in the background also planted last spring that have yet to bloom at all. Perhaps a few weeks?

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