Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Projects, Birds Etc

I guess it's been awhile. Busy with other stuff, mainly "work" if you wanna call it that. It had been some time since I put a serious effort to my real work. With the internet one has to keep a step ahead of the crowd otherwise they'll sneak up and take you off the first page of Google.

Anyway. New Projects

Fence along the west side of the lawn. I still have some leftover from the driveway. Probably put some kind of climbing rose bushes on front. Birds love to sit and crap on it:(

Oh that's new. Pics are in a different position. Must have changed sumthin. Looks better anyway. Lesse what else is in the camera. Mom and Pop birds. Yellow Finch I think. They took off before I could get a better angle.

Rain has stopped...finally with the exception of some sprinkles. No major rain for eight days! I think the lawn has been invaded by grubs. I treated it with something in late March that was supposed to last all season long. I'm thinking the heavy rains just diluted it to death.

Next New Project

Wall area next to driveway. It will be PT 6 x 6" but stained, beveled and distressed with the chainsaw. Kind of a rough sawn lumber look. Wall height will be three foot back filled behind. What to plant there? As far as the gardens..waiting till they are done, if Mom can keep up. Headed to TN for a few days next week for "work."

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