Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Spring Blooms

A few highlights from the past few weeks before they disappear...either from the brisk wind and cold the next few nights or just done. I've never been a fan of these things (Bearded Iris) but some love them. They almost look a deformed plant. I should get more Dianthus in front this fall.

This spot has become more of a let's put it there for awhile location and small seed starter area that's been working great. Case in point; I've never been able to get 4 o'clocks going around here, but then I've started most seeds in flats. Anyway, I must have a dozen and a half good looking 4 o'clocks this year.

Seen every year, but more of a mid May bloomer, Dianthus near the porch steps. I usually have to replant 2 or three each fall, but several are going on three years this fall.

Down by the storage shed, it's those low growing bunch type whatch combs.

Foam flowers taken from the woods.

Off to the creek area. I had one Hosta that had to be removed and the reason for the gaping empty spot. It had the HVX virus, which I had no knowledge of until last week.

My proud and joys for the spring. Foxglove...

Finally after three years and who knows how many seeds...some Columbine

Half of my rooted Coleus and Angelonia planted in soil in an improved version  of the original hoop greenhouse in the woods. Covered with straw for the next few cold nights. Stays nice and toasty in there with the warm soil.

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