Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry Christmas To Me

I could not resist picking up this little beauty. After all it's been on my mind for almost a year. I figured if I was going to get serious about video, I may as well invest in good tools. Video is in its infancy on the web in my opinion. YouTube is almost like a new search engine that gets real traffic and few in my industry are taking advantage of it.

That's typical, those folks (flooring) have been stuck in the 1970's for ages. The internet doesn't exist in their eyes the way I see it. One business related video I put up four days ago is already getting about 20 views a day from YouTube search. Overall with links to my main site it's over 400. Multiply 100 per day by 365 days in a year. Oh my-- 36,500 views! The topic isn't that popular either.

Now instead of using lousy still pictures that are one to five years old, I have what many pros consider to be the best video camera out there in an affordable price range and not the $30,000 ones TV stations use. Great tripod as well. Real smooth panning function.

Lottsa buttons to figure out....

I've actually been considering grabbing some college classes on video photography too!


  1. Very nice! I'm glad its you reading the directions and not me :) So there will be Christmas videos from Florida?

  2. Hmmn...Sure. Probably only take a few hours to put together instead of three weeks like last year. I need to experiment with it as much as I can. Very cool functions and the camera does a great job without assisted light. Zoom and panning is so smooth. I even have a remote on the tripod and a hand held. It has alot of additional features(buttons) but most I probably won't use because I can edit just as easily in WMM editing program.
