Friday, November 7, 2008

Florida Visit - Edison Ford Winter Homes

I do not miss this place whatsoever after moving permanently in August. Back in the early 80's it was the place to be when I moved here. Traffic light count is a good indication of the congestion. In early 1980 there was only one traffic light in Bonita Springs; last count was something like 25.

The Edison complex along the Caloosahatchee River covering 14 acres is a site I've always enjoyed touring, marking my third visit in 28 years. For botanical fans the Banyon tree next to the Edison Lab is well known in many parts. The tree was a gift from Edison friend Harvey Firestone in 1925. Original height was four feet. The picture tells all. Quite an impressive tree.

Aside from many of Edisons inventions the gardens are an impressive sight. Plants and trees from all over exist including another Indian specimen or the Mysore fig tree with a pretty wild root system.

A few more unusual plants...

Lipstick Plant.

Chenille, also from India.

The homes in the complex from foreground. Henry Ford winter home(under renovation), guest quarters, and the Edison home. Other small caretaker homes also exist on the property.

View along the river with the original seawall...

A view from one of the cottage porches...

Headed home Sunday while planning a possible stopover in Plains Ga, home of former president Jimmy Carter.

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